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  • Writer's pictureollybrock

Jeremy has found his summer home!

Jeremy is up at the Beach House, at Pembroke Bay.

Jeremy has been painted by Willow Brock, an 18 year old artist on the Autism Spectrum (Willow experiences what until recently was diagnosed as Asperger’s Syndrome).

Willow faces challenges in daily life that are quite different to most of us, and often feels overwhelmed and overloaded by the stimuli that she receives from being out of the house.

Furthermore, Willow experiences a condition called Synesthesia, which is where the stimulation of one sense leads to an experience of another. In Willow’s case, she sees some sounds as colours. When the environment she is in is noisy, or when there are sudden loud sounds, she receives overwhelming bursts of vibrant colour.

Willow has chosen to express her experience of the world visually through Jeremy, to help people understand more about Autism and Synesthesia.

If you look carefully at Jeremy’s coloured feathers and feet, you’ll see they are naturally really rather bright and sparkly, but Jeremy has found himself in a blizzard of bright colours, and is being overwhelmed by this. If you can imagine how Jeremy feels having to face this every day, wherever he goes, you’ll go someway to understanding a little of Willow’s experience with Autism.

We hope you enjoy the Puffin Parade and finding all of the wonderfully decorated Puffins all around the islands!

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