The headline in today's GP will get plenty of pushback. Just a few pages in we read that potential development in Mill Street isn't economically viable.
The regeneration area plans, now forming SPG, have not gone far enough to give land owners the confidence to bring forward optimistic proposals for significant redevelopment. The development referred to in Mill Street was for a three bedroom house valued at £500,000.00.
In what other jurisdiction is someone looking at developing a near-town centre plot to achieve a single three bedroom dwelling? Our expectations are limiting our opportunities for growth.
Planning rules don't need easing, aspirations need raising. Developers need to be allowed to make profit and our young people need to be provided with modern shared apartments in which to live.
If we build 300 houses per year for the next 5 years in the same pattern as we do now, it will result in approximately 70 open spaces, domestic gardens or fields being ploughed over to build expensive houses expensively.
House building is like a cancer on our island and no politician should be voting for more open space being used to fulfill housing need that can be met within the built up area.
Image credit Boeri Studio