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  • Writer's pictureollybrock

Information, Information, Information.

It's never a good idea to make decisions without information, and quality information is hard to come by. Finding factually accurate material without an agenda in today's media can be tough, and talking to friends, family and colleagues can only give a small sample.

That's why Corbeau is asking some difficult questions (and some easy ones!).

We're finding out about people's likes and dislikes, their preferences and their aspirations relating to their living circumstances.

Creating a data set from the answers to these questions will allow us to understand patterns and trends, but will also uncover some dichotomies, and these are the areas of most interest, because when the same group of people want to achieve two conflicting goals, the solution is likely to cause friction, unless the decision makers can explain why a compromise will achieve more than a polar stalemate.

You can give your views by visiting our META business page at:

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